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Hi, I'm Rebecca Mueller, and I'm seeking a 2014 professional internship in global health programs and policy.

Rebecca Mueller's Bio:

Rebecca Mueller brings a wealth of international and cross-cultural experience to your organization. She is currently earning a Master of Public Health / Master of Arts in East European Studies dual degree at Indiana University. Rebecca is creative, community-minded, and ready to engage with today's most pressing global health challenges through a professional mentored internship.

Rebecca Mueller's Experience:

Rebecca Mueller's Education:

Rebecca Mueller's Interests & Activities:

human rights, public policy, short fiction, track and field, running, yoga, health journalism, human migration, service learning, Ottoman history, community-based participatory research, oral history, ethnography, NPR, foreign languages, trekking, cooking, food history, rural health, international development, applied anthropology, critical anthropology, public health, social determinants of health, medical anthropology, environmental justice, public policy, politics of religion, feminism

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